Two Daisies Permanent Jewelry Training

One place where you will learn everything there is to know about permanent jewelry application and building your business.

There’s tons of resources out there, but what are the RIGHT things to watch and read, and how do you find them?

Whether you’re finding this page as someone at the start of their permanent jewelry journey, or you’ve already spent time researching and trying to find the right information, this course gives you all of the knowledge you need in one easy-to-access, convenient and organized place. You’ll also receive unlimited support from an expert permanent jewelry mentor, Mandy Dormaier!

Don’t go the “just try to do it on my own” route, when you don’t even know WHAT you should be searching for. Save yourself days, weeks, sometimes MONTHS of searching by investing in a course that hands all over to you instantly!

Read what my student, Kate, had to say:

Enrollment OPEN!

Click here to request the replay link of my FREE training: “How to Start a Permanent Jewelry Business.”

“I’ve tried looking for free resources.”

  • YOU’RE OVERWHELMED. You’ve tried asking questions in your permanent jewelry FB groups or to fellow artists to find guidance. They probably told you to go to Google or YouTube (where you’ve already been), or even search in the groups themselves for answers. But you don’t know what terms to use and there’s so much out there.

  • YOU DON’T FEEL CONFIDENT. How can you gather it all from a hundred different places and be sure that it’s the correct info to consume?

  • YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’RE WASTING TIME. Time is a valuable resource to all of us! You can’t get time back, but you can get money back. Investing in a course where someone tells you every single thing you need to know and you have all the info in one place (and a mentor to help you along the way) takes the pressure of wasting time off of your mind!

“I’m not sure if it’s worth investing in a course.”

Spending money is scary, I get it. When I started my permanent jewelry venture I weighed my options and ultimately decided to invest in a course that had ALL the information I needed, neatly compiled in one place for me with mentors who I could reach out to if I had any questions. I want to do the same for you.

  • Don’t go it alone, spending hours searching for the right information, when you don’t even know WHAT you should be searching for.

  • Have every single thing you should know, all in ONE PLACE, where all of the information is already organized and nothing is left out.

  • Gain confidence knowing you have a trusted, reliable mentor to go to with any questions at any time.

  • Choose from 4 different options, 3 of which include pj kits and 2 options also include welders - giving you everything you need to practice and start taking clients right away!

Your dream: building a successful permanent jewelry business.

Achieving this is totally doable, you just need the right training and guidance!


Two Daisies Permanent Jewelry Training


  • 20+ modules of learning

  • Complete guide to micro-welding

  • How to start your new permanent jewelry business, including forms, licensing & insurance info

  • Links to a plethora of resources and supplies for everything you need to get started AND grow your business

  • Exclusive access to our FB group “Two Daisies Permanent Jewelry Squad”

  • Unlimited lifetime support!

  • Kit options to get everything you need to start practicing right away, and taking clients!

I won't gatekeep ANYTHING.

On top of all of these supplies that come in your kit, you’ll get lists of trusted suppliers, information on how to build a successful PJ business, marketing tips, and LOTS more.

And I will be here for you every step of the way!

“I just want someone to tell me exactly what I need to know!”

  • With this training, you’ll only have to log into ONE site that has all of the modules and information you need.

  • You’ll have an experienced mentor to hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do.

  • You’ll have the option to purchase a kit that has all of the supplies needed to practice and take your first clients.

This course saves you so much time, mental strain, and ultimately money! When you’re trying to compile your own resources for free, it’s not really “free” - that is time you could be spending with clients and bringing in more money!

So you have 2 choices…

You could do it the hard way: spend hours scouring the internet for information about permanent jewelry, not knowing if you’re missing anything or having a trusted mentor to turn to when you’re confused.

Or, you could do it the easy way: save time and energy investing in an all-inclusive course that goes over every single fact, detail, and how-to of permanent jewelry AND you have a trusted, reliable and experienced mentor to answer all of your questions and guide you.

Meet your Mentor          

Hi! I’m Mandy, and my beauty industry journey began in 2002 when I started cosmetology school. After being a hairstylist for 16 years, I decided to start a different venture and began my permanent makeup business in 2018, having fully transitioned away from hair in 2020 (yes, during the beginning of the pandemic!) But I still felt like I wanted to do more.

Within a year of starting my PMU career, I was ready to take on the next step: educating. In 2021, I started mentoring other permanent makeup artists and teaching them specialized techniques to enhance their artistry. (You can learn more about my PMU business here.)

Permanent jewelry was introduced to me during this time and in October 2022 I decided to take the plunge with an online training. After years of offering this amazing service, and learning even more about it with each bracelet, anklet, and more that I applied to my clients, I realized there was so much more PJ knowledge that needed to be shared!

Being well-versed on the ins-and-outs of the beauty industry has given me a lot of insights into what’s missing and what the professionals of today actually need.

I created this course because teaching is in my blood, and I am an open book; from sharing knowledge about chains and proper welding, to supplies and warranties, forms, and insurance, I felt the desire to bring my hands-on experience and expertise to others and help them build successful permanent jewelry businesses themselves.

Read more reviews from my current students here!

”I don’t have any experience with jewelry, welding, or beauty services.”

While permanent jewelry doesn't have to be a "beauty" business, you'll definitely be helping your clients look and feel their best every single time they're in your chair.

So whether you're a permanent makeup artist, esthetician, cosmetologist, dental professional, have experience in another field or this is your first time starting a small business, you're going to love being able to offer your clients a unique experience that will stay with them forever.

It’s decision time. You can continue using “free” resources to build your knowledge about permanent jewelry, but what you’re actually doing is investing a lot of your TIME. Or you can join the Two Daisies Permanent Jewelry Squad, and never go a day without having someone by your side!

Don’t do the “figure it out on my own” way!

So, what is YOUR time worth?

Is it worth investing money into a course that will save you HOURS every week? Time that can be spent taking care of your family, spending time with loved ones, doing the behind-the-scenes work for your business, and more…


Make your life easier by getting a course that lays out every single thing you need to know about permanent jewelry, tells you exactly how to reach the success that you want, and has an expert holding your hand along the way so you avoid making mistakes that cost you more time, more energy and more money.

The entire online course takes about 2 hours to watch & read, plus time spent practicing your permanent jewelry welding and application skills. The time commitment here is LOW!

Two Daisies Permanent Jewelry Training is for YOU!

Still not sure? Let’s talk through your pain points and answer your questions, to see if investing in this course is the right move for you.

Book a Discovery Call

Take 15 mins out of your day TODAY, to ultimately save HOURS in the long run!